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Solving Public Problems with Technology is a hands-on learning and mentoring program designed to help you design and implement solutions to public interest problems using civic technology. The course enables you to take advantage of the latest innovations in open and participatory problem-solving, including the application of open data, crowdsourcing, expert networks, expert systems, challenges, and prizes. Geared to the purpose-driven participant (both individuals and teams, whether in grad school or on the job) passionate about a public problem, Solving Public Problems helps you develop a project from idea to implementation. Unlike a traditional accelerator, we focus only on the public interest and on projects that work with real world institutions and partners, such as agencies and NGOs, to develop more effective and scalable initiatives.

This course was offered at NYU Tisch School of Arts as well as at MIT Media Lab.

Read the full syllabus here.

Kiarash Ghiam | Online community network for people who play sports to relieve anxiety and depression

Saki Hayashi | Participatory urban planning/architectural design

Ali Clare | Tech education for Iraqi refugees

Amanda Gelb | Encouraging eco-friendly practices in the corporate space

Yuan Wang | Combatting sexual assault on NYU campus

Claire Kearney-Volpe | Participatory platform to combat cardio vascular disease

Sharon de la Cruz | Redesign project for representation of unaccompanied minors

Rohan Aneja | Informal learning opportunities to bridge skill gaps

Ran Mo | Memorialization via personal data

Alicia Nieves | Social capital for disadvantaged youth

John Farrell | Mitigating climate change collectively

Laura Patterson | Efficient ecosystem platform

Edson Soares de Soursa Jr. and Hugo Goulart Lucena | Addressing Cyberbullying

Manuel Aristarán | MuniData: tools to help municipalities open budgetary data
Jen Groff | Platform supporting personalized learning

Miguel Paz | Poderopedia -who’s who in business and politics

Luke VanHorn | Barriers to gathering better data about pollution from vehicles

Chris Piotrowski | Improving inter-organizational communication by using social network analysis as a form of program evaluation

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